February is already half over... time flies by. There was a Cosmos article recently talking about the different organizations that all sat outside the Cafeteria in Gage fund-raising over Valentines day. From the FDAC's breakfast in bed for Flunk Day activities to Choir's singing Valentines to support a tour to Thailand, the diversity of the petitioners was rather spectacular. The appeal of such an organizational drive is also difficult to match; choir, for in stance, made over $2oo alone. Why do I bring this up? I bring this up because I fear that this is the way the Writing Center might be forced to conduct business in the future.
It is a relatively open secret that the Writing Center is willing to lose money to keep providing its food and coffee services, and recent signs put up around the Writing Center seem to suggest that people are willing to take full advantage of this generosity. The message I would give to those people: Stop. The Writing Center offers these functions on an honors system of payment, and when you choose not to pay for your daily cup of coffee, you jeopardize that. You jeopardize the legitimate use in providing beverages, which we would like to have at least break even. Free drinks with a conference or one during your hour of work are one thing, and you are entitled to that. Outside of this case, however, and in the words of the handbook (p. 8, as a matter of fact) "you are responsible for paying for your drinks--just like everyone else."
- Ben B '13