Hello hello! Hailley is back for another exciting blog post.
This past weekend, Coe celebrated its 100th Homecoming. Campus was a buzz with alums, all coming back to see old friends, professors, and the campus that they love. It was good to see familiar faces and also good to meet some alums who had their own version of Coe to share with us.
A staple of Coe's Homecoming is the traditional Homecoming Court. All Coe students were emailed a list of all eligible seniors and had to vote on five males and five females. Those winners made up the 2013 Homecoming Court.
The Writing Center had a hearty representation on this year's court. First up, Anna Barton, from St. Paul, Minnesota. Then, William "Kobe" Spencer from Racine, Wisconsin and finally, me, from good old Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
Our Homecoming obligations were mainly during the second half of the week. We performed a short act for our Homecoming variety show on Thursday night, called Kohawk Rock. Kobe did his best impersonation of Beyonce's "Love on Top," while Anna ran through her time on campus, and I did a top ten list of Coe College Rebellions. What I loved about my skit was that I was able to incorporate many WC consultants who helped to act out these rebellions.
Friday night we had our coronation and the Writing Center once again has a king in our midst. Kobe was crowed king and according to Dr. Bob, this is our second king. Must be something about being a consultant that corresponds to winning the crown.
The Coronation. Hailley is five from left, Kobe has the crown, and Anna is the one on the far right. From Coe's Facebook page. |
The week ended with the parade, football game, and dance on Saturday. I would say fun was had by all. With midterms behind us, the papers are creeping up so I expect the WC to be hopping from now until at least Thanksgiving Break. Of course, we might also see increased traffic as students come to honor our king, but we'll just have to wait and see!
At the football game. From Coe's Facebook page. |
- Hailley