This message from Kevin, lover of all things frisbee, and all things ultimate:
Support Waypoint! Play Frisbee!
Coe Egalitarians Supporting the Advancement of Women (CESAW) and Ultimate Frisbee are once again sponsoring The Waypoint Ultimate Frisbee Tournament! The tournament will be held on Clark Field, Saturday, April 4th to benefit Waypoint Services in Cedar Rapids, and we want you to be a part of it!
Any campus organization is welcome to form a team and come out and play with us! We are asking that each team donate a minimum of $10 to play, and the team that raises the most money in addition to that ten dollars will receive a prize. All donations will go directly to Waypoint.
We use the word "tournament" in the loosest sense of the word, meaning we encourage everyone to participate regardless of whether or not you’ve played before. In the interest of fairness, there will be no team consisting purely of those who normally play, rather, we are hoping to have as many organizations as possible show their support and learn a little about Ultimate Frisbee.
The games will be 20 minutes long. Each team will need a minimum of seven players on the field at all times, but you can have as many subs as you want. The more the merrier!

If you don’t have enough people to make an entire team, or find yourself just wanting to play, just reply to this e-mail and we will find a home for you.
Please respond to this email no later than Wednesday March 25th if you want to be involved. Minimum donations and team captains will be due April 1st.
Get us a fricken WC team, please. Perhaps you should mention that merely by responding to me/ultimate@coe.edu I will form a team, and find a captain. All they have to do is sign up...
That picture is of Klingler. I still love it, though.
I know - it's an action shot!
Best of luck guys! Wish I could get some disk time in with you this year. Someone let me know how much you raise, mkay? Thanks.
And the pic of us in Asia is coming, I promise.
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