Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stars and Spools
-Julia Pillard

The forces which come before the poet
Permit the magic of the musician
Shaping pure form in its final state
A perpetual freedom which indulged the dancer
Should I risk what lurks in the mundane
It is not as imaginative as I wondered
The acrobat freely transformed thought
Little pictures remaining cold
I am a safe distance from alarming innovation
“We used to play outside when we were young and full of life”
This river of time settles in rhythm
Nature is a practitioner of the absolute
And will anoint my fear with fantasy
The stars of the universe appear unconfined
And express the power of distance
The sage is drawn to painful art
Susceptible to forces of cloudy power
While parachutes drift in opaque clouds
Words carry me to the holy
And express themselves on a spool of light

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