-Margaret Gruhler
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Staff Spotlight
Monday, December 10, 2012
Weekly Wisdom
“Anyone can
do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at
the moment.” - Robert Benchley
Oh the joys of
final week! I walked into the Writing Center this morning and there were more
people present at 9:00 Monday morning than I have ever witnessed before.
Although pulling an all-niter in the WC is common, I was still caught off
guard. At this time most of those still working were finishing up things needing to be completed, but it does beg the question “were they really spending that
much time on the assignment, or were they simply procrastinating with other
matters until it became necessary to complete?” My guess is they were
distracted by Facebook, other people in the Writing Center, The Princess Bride from yesterday’s
movie afternoon, or a number of other little tasks that get inadvertently
stretched to last an hour when in fact they should only take a matter of minutes.
It is not that these people are being unproductive (because they are in fact
accomplishing tasks) but rather, as this quote mentions, focusing their
productivity towards less pressing matters. We all face this kind of
procrastination from time to time and as finals draw closer the more stress
befalls the minds of us all, but I urge you all to keep trudging. You can
survive this final week of tests, and while I cannot guarantee your success I
can reassure that if you study now and relax later you are more likely to
succeed than cramming it all in at the end. I will end with this thought: I
appreciate you taking the time to read the blog, but what are you supposed to
be doing right now?
-Margaret Gruhler
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Weekly Wisdom
“There is no harm in being afraid.
The only harm is in doing what Fear tells you. Fear is not your master! Laugh
in his face and he will run away.” - George McDonald.
quote was a breath of fresh air for me this week. I am taking viola lessons
this semester and therefore I must perform for a jury, the music lesion
equivalent of a final. For people that have a lot of experience playing in
front of people this process is no sweat because it is literally only five
minutes of your life. For me however, I have an enormous amount of stage fright
when it comes to performing in front of people—not to mention people that are
evaluating me. For the past couple weeks I have become increasingly worried and
stressed about my upcoming performance…until I saw this quote. For me it is my
jury performance next week, for you it may be another test, an interview, or
trying something new, but whatever it is this quote applies beautifully. So
what if we are afraid? If you don’t show it, no one will know it, and you will
get over it. In case this quote is not enough to help you with your fears, my
viola instructor also told me something like this:
"Don’t be afraid of mistakes
because they are bound to happen. If you don’t think about the mistakes you
could make, you will make fewer mistakes."
I really appreciated hearing both of these quotes, because
now I have the courage to walk into my lesson today and just play—no worries,
no fears. This is what I hope all of you can be inspired to do as well. If you
are stressed about a test I encourage you no to think about it so much. Study
what you can; take frequent study breaks; and on the day of the test you
shouldn’t stress because there is nothing left for you to do but take the test.
If you have an interview you are fearful for, my words to you are to be
yourself. No amount of preparation will prepare you for the moment you walk in
the door, so if you forget everything about what to do in interviews just
remember to be yourself. And I can’t forget about those of you who are just
afraid to try something new. The more you think about it, the more you are
going to say ‘forget about it’. If you try it and don’t like it, you never have
to do it again; but if you try it and love it, you discover something new about
yourself. Whatever your fears, whatever your reasons, you need to face fear.
You need to “laugh in his face and he will run away”.
-Margaret Gruhler
Monday, December 3, 2012
Staff Spotlight

I may not know a
whole lot about Ashley, but I can say that she is an asset to the Coe Writing
Center. She may not remember, but she is the first person I ever had a
conference with. It was at the staff retreat in the Amana Colonies my freshman
year and it was because of that conference that I knew I would be able to survive
as a writing consultant. Maybe it is her loud and boisterous voice that got me,
because it made it seem like she was supper enthusiastic about my paper, but one
thing that I can say for sure, whatever it was about that conference it gave me
confidence. Thanks Ashley!
I can also say
that Ashley’s rock star talents are not simply confined to centaur work in the
Writing Center. On top of being the Editor–in-Chief of Colere she is also the
Co-President of V-Day. In case you don’t know what Colere is, it is a
publication of “student’s poetry, fiction, and non-fiction dedicated to sharing
ideas on cultural issues”( http://www.public.coe.edu/wac/publications.htm
). Given that we are the only Writing Center in the country with a publication
I would say this is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations go out to Ashley, and make sure to check out the next edition of Colere coming out this spring.
Don’t forget, Ashley is the spotlight of the week so if you see her congratulate
her because, after all, she is a rock star.
-Margaret Gruhler
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