Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekly Wisdom

“Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment.” - Robert Benchley

                Oh the joys of final week! I walked into the Writing Center this morning and there were more people present at 9:00 Monday morning than I have ever witnessed before. Although pulling an all-niter in the WC is common, I was still caught off guard. At this time most of those still working were finishing up things needing to be completed, but it does beg the question “were they really spending that much time on the assignment, or were they simply procrastinating with other matters until it became necessary to complete?” My guess is they were distracted by Facebook, other people in the Writing Center, The Princess Bride from yesterday’s movie afternoon, or a number of other little tasks that get inadvertently stretched to last an hour when in fact they should only take a matter of minutes. It is not that these people are being unproductive (because they are in fact accomplishing tasks) but rather, as this quote mentions, focusing their productivity towards less pressing matters. We all face this kind of procrastination from time to time and as finals draw closer the more stress befalls the minds of us all, but I urge you all to keep trudging. You can survive this final week of tests, and while I cannot guarantee your success I can reassure that if you study now and relax later you are more likely to succeed than cramming it all in at the end. I will end with this thought: I appreciate you taking the time to read the blog, but what are you supposed to be doing right now?

-Margaret Gruhler

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