Thursday, March 27, 2014

Furniture Feature: Coffee Edition

With Dr. Bob in his office this morning, I knew I was in for a good story for this week's furniture feature.

Dr. Bob came out of his office, looked around and said, "Do you want to know the story behind our coffee grinder?"

I nodded. Of course I wanted to hear the story.

Dr. Bob went on to explain that we got this grinder as a donation from a former Coe student. This Bunn grinder was first used to help grind down animal food.

Say what?

I know, when I first heard, I was a little terrified. The coffee beans that I drink are being put through a grinder first used for animal food? But never fear, Dr. Bob continued his story.

The Coe alum had originally wanted to donate it to the Chemistry department. At the time, the Chemistry department was apparently "hooked on the Writing Center coffee" and instead, passed it onto us.

Before any coffee beans were roasted, it went through an intense cleaning and sanitizing process. Dr. Bob cleaned it all, removing all past grinding experiences, except for the motor. It was difficult (no surprise there) so Dr. Bob walked down the street to Davis Auto. He asked the owner if he could use the air compressor to clean the motor. The owner agreed and apparently a large dust of past grinding flew into the air.

The cleaning process complete, the grinder was deemed safe for use and since then, has found a home in the Writing Center grinding coffee on a daily basis. One of the first things you learn as a new consultant is how to make coffee and how to yell our equivalent of golf's "fore!'


Also, we got a pretty sweet deal. This coffee grinder usually goes for about $850 nowadays. Wow.

And there you have it. See you next week!

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