Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Author Spotlight

Kenzaburō Ōe (1935 -    )

Famous Works Include: Prize Catch, Nip the Buds Shoot the Kids, Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness, The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away, and A Personal Matter.

Ōe is a Japanese author and major figure in Japanese literature and critical theory. His works tend to focus on political, social, and philosophical issues including nuclear weapons, nuclear power, social non-conformism, and existentialism. He also pays close attention to the bombing of Hiroshima and his personal struggle with raising his mentally handicapped son. 

Ōe has been recognized both in Japan and internationally, winning a Nobel Prize in Literature (1994) for his work. He is also on record as the only person to refuse the Order of Culture, as awarded by the Emperor of Japan. 

In the words of Mr. Ōe, "I have always wanted to write about our country, our society, and feelings about the contemporary scene. But, there is a big difference between us and classic Japanese literature." If you've read the Tale of Genji, then you're probably well-versed in these differences.

Hope you've enjoyed this blast from the past from a 2008 edition of the WCWC!

- Anna H.

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