Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weekly Wisdom

"Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

This quote reflects a lot about my past week. My attention was demanded in so many different directions that it was difficult to stay focused and actually get things done. College can be tough and sometimes you have more to do than time allows but all that means is that you need to figure out how to get your priorities straight. For me it helps to write out my schedule on a white board. It gives me motivation to get things done not only on time but early so that I have more “free” time. Balance your time wisely and free time, even for a college student, is possible. In the past I have been the queen of free time; I have found it quite possible to get all of my homework done, on time, and still make it to bed by 9 or 10 at night. Maybe this makes me abnormal, but I know quite a few people who are quite jealous of this ability of mine.

Despite my previous notion of “free” time, I did mention that this past week has been quite difficult. I must admit that I am becoming more and more like the typical college student. Studying late and becoming sleep deprived. I have a huge course load this semester and I am doing everything I can not to be an “octopus”.

This happens to be my recent “octopus” experience, but I have a feeling all of you have similar experiences. Whether it is academic or not, I suggest that keeping your eye on one thing at a time. No matter how many things you have to do, many places you have to be, many people you have to see; you can’t do it all at once so you might as well prioritize and tackle it one at a time. The semester seems to have only begun and yet it is already a quarter of the way complete. Stay calm. Stay focused. Make it to spring break!

-Margaret Gruhler

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