Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Like a BLT

The WC is infamous for its large kitchen the creativity of bakers and cooks brought upon by having 3/4 of the ingredients the recipe calls for. Some recipes are ways to use all the ingredients you have in the pantry or fridge.
Sometimes, though, inspiration comes in the last moments of the day, before your eyes close and you tumble off to sleep. My breakfast today fits into the second category. Wouldn't it be great, I thought, nearly asleep, to make a BLT, but instead of bacon, asparagus, and instead of lettuce, kale.
I chopped my asparagus, tossed it in a pan with olive oil, salt and pepper, and a touch of lime juice; cut the kale; toasted bread; fried two eggs because I love fried eggs; cut the tomato into slices; and put it all together. It was great.

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