Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Heidi's Blog Update #15

Good afternoon WC avid blog followers! :)

I hope you all are watching the Olympics more than you're reading this blog though; crazy amazing the talent those athletes have!  Missy Franklin is only 17 and has already won her first, individual gold medal at the Olympics!  What a feat!  I can't imagine ever being able to swim that fast.  And the girls' gymnastics is so competitive and rigorous.  Our US girls look like robots of steal with those game-face expressions.  I have to be honest, I am insanely jealous of their athletic talent...and probably more specifically the insane amount of muscle they have...yikes!  I remember doing gymnastics when I was little, but that career didn't last long because as soon as my older sister quit, I did too.  I was in that "monkey-see, monkey-do" stage and refused to continue in gymnastics if I didn't have my best friend with me.

Haha...while I'm on this distracted road of lost thought...I remember one time when my sister and I were younger, we decided to take a karate class for some reason.  We went to the first lesson and were just dying laughing at all the noises they told us to make.  Any time we moved, we were supposed to shout, "Hi-yah!" or something of that sort.  We couldn't contain our laughter, were barely invested in the exercises themselves, and did not return for any other sessions.

Now that I'm older though, I regret not giving dance more thought when I was little and when my friends were so involved in it.  Watching the show "So You Think You Can Dance," makes me kill for that kind of training and I wish I had found a passion for dance sooner.  The same goes for my gymnastics experience, and probably a few other activities, sports, etc. that I should have given more attention and devotion at a younger age.  When you get into college, everyone tells you to explore your options, stay open-minded, and not to be afraid to try new things...why didn't someone tell me that when I was three! ;)  And how could I have forced myself to believe them of the importance of trying new things!

Anyways, that's my little tangent...I'm sure we all have opportunities we regret not taking and secret passions that we may not have the competitive talent for but bring us happiness and joy.  I suppose it's my lesson to myself to continually grow and try new things, regardless of age, talent, how intimidated I may feel, etc.

But back to today's work and WC news...I walked on over to the Registrar Office this morning to finish up the files I began yesterday.  I think I only had about five or so left, so that didn't take too much time and then I migrated to the WC to finish adding the pictures to our WC website.  Everyone looks lovely and I got those all posted.  The information on the site is mainly up-to-date, but some things need to be rearranged and given a little more flavor.  Hopefully Manderson and I will be able to get some work in on that front and in implementing the changes Dr. Bob approved of a bit earlier in the summer.

Well, time for a quick workout, shower, some laundry and packing with the Olympics on, and then the big move from Murray to the new apartment tomorrow!


- Heidi Heaton

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